Reminder: Nano Days Celebration @ Sat Mar 27 12pm - 1pm (Science Works Museum)

Nano Days Celebration

NanoDays is a nationwide festival of educational programs about nanoscale science and engineering and its potential impact on the future. Join us for two days of nano-themed activities, video presentations and more! Click here for more details.
Sat Mar 27 12pm – 1pm Pacific Time
Science Works Museum
Who - organizer

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Reminder: Spring Break Hours: March 22-27th 10am-4pm @ Sat Mar 27, 2010 12am (Science Works Museum)

Spring Break Hours: March 22-27th 10am-4pm

Spring Break Hours:\nMarch 22nd-27th\n10am-4pm\n
Sat Mar 27, 2010 12am Pacific Time
Science Works Museum
Who - organizer

Invitation from Google Calendar

You are receiving this email at the account because you are subscribed for reminders on calendar Science Works Museum.

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Reminder: Be the Scientist - Goddard Rockets @ Sat Mar 20 1:30pm - 3pm (SIB)

Be the Scientist - Goddard Rockets

<p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN:0in 0in 0pt;"><span style="FONT-SIZE:10pt;FONT-FAMILY:Verdana;">a foam rocket that you can launch by hand! This rocket is modeled after the first liquid-propellant rockets from the 1920s.</span></p>
Sat Mar 20 1:30pm – 3pm Pacific Time
Who - creator

Invitation from Google Calendar

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Reminder: Live Show - Elements of Theater @ Sat Mar 20 12pm - 12:30pm (SIB)

Live Show - Elements of Theater

<p><img height="250" alt="Now Showing" width="294" align="right"></p>
<p>&nbsp;Our director has lost all her stage hands and actors!&nbsp; We need your help to put on a live stage production.&nbsp; You'll run the lights and sound, pick out the costumes and act out the scene!</p>
Sat Mar 20 12pm – 12:30pm Pacific Time
Who - creator

Invitation from Google Calendar

You are receiving this email at the account because you are subscribed for reminders on calendar SIB.

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Erosion Demonstrator

See the force of erosion at work. Which soils hold up the best, and why?
1500 East Main Street

Sunday, March 14, 2010
1:30 PM

Be the Scientist - Lightning Calculator

Learn how to use the speed of sound to figure out how far away a thunderstorm is.

This Saturday 13th, and 1:30pm
Make it & Take it --> your Distant Thunder Calculator.

Children Storytime

Storytime for wobblers, babies, and preschool children at the Ashland Public Library; most days of the week.

Check our calendar for more information.

Movement Theater for Fun!

Movement Theater for Fun!: "
In this class we will be exploring stories through mime, clowning, and circus arts.

Age: 4 - 5
Class Size: 15
Pre-Registration Required

Click here for more details and registration information.

Oregon Chocolate Festival Event

See full size image          Explore the world of chocolate, from cocoa farms to chocolate bars, on Sunday March 7th from 2-3pm at ScienceWorks.

          The event is part of the 2010 Oregon Chocolate Festival and is suitable for families and children of all ages.  Admission is $2.50 per person.  ScienceWorks members receive a 2 for 1 discount!  Regular museum admission prices still apply.  Event attendance is limited to 60 people.   Click here for event details and to purchase your tickets.

Girl's Engineering Club of ScienceWorks

Spring Break Science Camp

Why can't we convert salt water into drinking water?

ocean waterIt seems strange that water should be such a scarce resource when our planet is drenched in 326 million trillion gallons of the stuff. But it turns out that less than one-half of 1 percent of it is drinkable. Out of the rest, 98 percent is oceanic salt water and 1.5 percent remains locked up in icecaps and glaciers. The stark irony of Samuel Coleridge's immortal line "Water, water, everywhere / Nor any drop to drink" is manifest each year in coastal disasters around the world, like Hurricane Katrina, the 2004 Indonesian tsunami and the 2010 Haiti earthquake, as people within sight of entire oceans are threatened with dehydration.
Between droughts, natural disasters and the large-scale redistribution of moisture threatened by climate change, the need for new sources of potable water grows with each passing day. Each year, the global population swells by another 85 million people, but worldwide demand for freshwater increases at twice the rate of population growth, doubling every 20 years or so [sources: OECD, UNDP]. Throughout the world, our most vital resource is under stress from pollution, dam construction, wetland and riparian ecosystem destruction, and depletion of groundwater aquifers, with poor and marginalized populations getting the worst of it.