We need the login to the scienceworksmuseum gmail account

Rachel Cardillo says that you made the scienceworksmuseum@gmail.com email address and twitter accounts for us. I need to secure those accounts. Please let me know what the password for the gmail account is.

Erin Scott
Marketing Manager
ScienceWorks Hands-On Museum

541-482-6767, ext 234

Thanks from ScienceWorks Hands-on Museum


As 2012 winds down, and ScienceWorks launches into a year of celebrating 10 years serving the community, we want to express our heartfelt thanks for the role you play in keeping ScienceWorks Hands-on Museum alive and well.
Your generous support has allowed the museum staff and volunteers to create an exciting learning environment that stimulates the curiosity of thousands of visitors . . . from preschool to senior citizens, parents and teachers.  ScienceWorks awakens curiosity, promotes creativity, and brings families together through fun, hands-on science. Every day we see the next generation of inventors, scientists, innovators, leaders and citizens engaging in learning about their world. Your support makes this happen. 
To the many Museum visitors who attended this year and the many who will visit or return in the year to come, we say THANK YOU! 
Best Wishes for a Happy New Year
The ScienceWorks Family


You have an opportunity today to make a special additional tax-deductible gift to ScienceWorks. Entrance fees cover less than half of what it takes to operate the museum. The remaining $400,000 we raise through donations and gifts from foundations and generous individuals like you. Every contribution helps. Thank you for your support!
Click here to make this happen.


7th Annual Science of Wine

Sat, 08 May 2010

ScienceWorks hosts the 7th annual The Science of Wine
May 6th, 7th and 8th in


Sat, 08 May 2010
ScienceWorks will be closed in preparation for the Science of Wine Gala event. more

Rogue Valley Earth Day Event

Sat, 24 Apr 2010

Rogue Valley Earth Day at ScienceWorks 11am-4pm

Over 70 outdoor booths with Earth Day related information and activities, live performances and more!

Outdoor events are free. Regular museum admission applies with $1 per paid admission going towards the 2011 Rogue Valley Earth Day
